
incoming mail and a shopping list :-)

A letter from Esmeralda, The Netherlands

and these are fabric tapes that I bought today~:-)
I love FLOWERs >_<


incoming mail

I received two letters today~
Tanja from Germany
Ally from Taiwan

and this is a letter of Ally >_<
Her handwriting is so~ neat!

and the beautiful postcard~!
I love it so much so I stared at this for a long time! :-)


incoming mail + outgoing mail :-)

I received a letter from Jou-I, Taiwan :-)
Thank you for your amazing postcards and
lovely stuff from Taiwan! :-) I love them!!!!

and This is my respons.
um.....I'll post it tomorrow morning :-)


yesterday's shopping

I bought two stationery set yesterday.
I wasn't going to buy and use these letter set for myself.
I just enjoyed sending to my penfriends as a gift.
but...now I'm going to buy lots of stationery sets for me and my penpals!


outgoing mail :-)

It's Sunday night.
I finished two letters today :-)

This letter is for Silvia from Belgium.
She has children so I wrote on a PORORO which is the most famous
character in Korea for young kids :-)
Hope she enjoy it and I enclosed a small sticky memo sheet

And this letter is for Viktoria from Sweden.
She wants to swap with me, so I enclosed 2 stationery set and 1 sticker sheet
I always enjoy writing letters and when it's finished I want to write more and more


outgoing mail

I finished 2 letters,
First letter is to Ayumi, Japan!
and I enclosed some circle stickers that I decorated :-)

And the second letter is to Milda, Indonesia :-)
She loves drawing, so I put some old Korean comic stamps for her
Hope she like them! :-)

incoming mail

Lucky days are keep going :-)
I received 3 letters today!

A letter from Silvia , Belgium

and a letter from Vicki , Sweden!

Thank you for your lovely letters,
I'll write you very soon!


incoming mail

A letter from Milda, Indonesia~
I'm very happy, I can write two letters on this weekend!
and Milda wrote to me with very interesting story!
Thank you Milda! :-)


outgoing mail

A letter to Stacey, England
I enclosed 2fbs :-)

swap FBs

I start swap FBs finally!!! >_<
These are my starter fbs!
I appreciate people who will pass them !
Thank You!!

Korean Vintage?

I made a Korean vintage letter pad :-)
70~early 80's style >_<

3 prints in a sheet (A4)


My shopping list !

These are old stamps of Korea.
I love them so~ much!
I'd better buy much more that this! T^T

This is a small & cheap scale for weighs letters!

oooooo! I can't stop falling in love with masking tapes!
Though it's too expensive.... OTL
I put these on my scrap book! :-)

Last one... my most favorite style stickers by Ooh la la
I love these illustrations! >_<

vintage flower

vintage flower letter pad
I got clip art from google image
and edited them >_<


my new tapes

I bought some Masking tape cut from a blogger called 'SMOMO'
Thank you so much for lovely tapes

and ..this was my dream to have it !>_<
FLORA & FAUNA! hehehe....
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